
Showing posts from May, 2015

Linear logic proof sets as split-screen hypertext

There is often some confusion when I discuss using linear logic to capture narrative structure . There are two interesting kinds of branching in linear logic, but we usually only talking about branching structure in narrative if it's interactive  narrative, i.e. if the branches represent choices or alternatives between outcomes in a story scene. But there is also branching structure in many non-participatory narratives: there is a causal order of events, which is usually not a strictly total ordering. For example, scenes with different sets of characters, whose proceedings don't depend on one another's outcome, may be told in arbitrary order and still be coherent (though of course coherence isn't necessarily a narrative's goal, or its only goal). The latter kind of branching can be thought of as spatial branching  (for a sufficiently metaphorical notion of space), in the sense that different components of the narrative universe can evolve independently, then join